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Constanta, Romania

Constanta, Romania - 2022 Danube River cruise. Constanta is Romania’s oldest continuously inhabited city and was founded by the Romans around 600 B.C. and was known as Tomis. The National History and Archaeology Museum on Ovid’s Square contains numerous artifacts from the Roman times. It is the largest port on the Black Sea and is the fifth largest city in Romania with a population in excess of 660,000.
The Glykon serpent – Divinity of good, patron of house and family, guardian of temples. Tomis, 2nd century A.D. It is a one of a kind marble statue on display…
Monument dedicated to Nemesis, the Goddess of Vengeance and balance in the universe. National History and Archaeology Museum, Constanta, Romania
Aphrodite, National History and Archaeology Museum, Constanta, Romania
Icon painting, Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Constanta, Romania
Icon painting, Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Constanta, Romania
Icon painting, Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Constanta, Romania
Interior of Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Constanta, Romania
Farmland between Bucharest and Constanta, Romania Miles and miles of fields under cultivation, mostly Wheat, corn and sunflower.
Fermentation vats at the Murfatlar Winery, Romania
Entering the “Old Town” area of Constanta, Romania
Hünkar Mosque (Ceamia Hunchiar) built between 1867-1868 by the Ottoman Sultan Abdülaziz for Turks who settled in Constanta after the Crimean War, Constanta,…
The Coat of Arms for the city of Constanta, Romania
National History and Archaeology Museum, Constanta, Romania
The Grand Mosque of Constanta, originally known as the Carol I Mosque, Constanta, Romania
Fortuna with Pontus, patron divinities of Tomis town and harbour 2nd century A.D. National History and Archaeology Museum, Constanta, Romania
Buildings and restaurants on Ovid’s Square, “Old Town” Constanta, Romani
Roman floor mosaics dating back to the 4th century A.D. Constanta, Romania
Roman floor mosaics dating back to the 4th century A.D. Constanta, Romania
An interesting door knocker, Constanta, Romania
The House with Lions (Casa cu Lei), Blending pre-Romantic and Genovese architectural styles, this late 19th century building features four columns adorned with…