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Edmonton Shrine Motor Corps
Habitat for Humanity Ina's Trips
BANGKOK THAILAND Most of the freeway traffic was lighter than on the previous trip (November 1992), probably because it was Saturday. The taxi driver left the freeway before the proper exit because a traffic accident had stopped all movement. We saw a lot of side streets, one so crowded with parked cars, people and other vehicles that I'm not sure how we got through without scraping something. The taxi driver seemed to know the area much better than others I've taken as he did not get lost. It was a set prepaid fee so I guess there was no benefit in adding mileage. The next day I read in the paper that the accident involved a gasoline tanker and several other vehicles. Apparently the tanker driver panicked, disconnected the trailer from the truck and took off leaving a mess and one dead. The freeway was blocked for hours. I spent the next two days as a tourist. Salt farms: The fields are about two or maybe three hundred feet square, have a flat clay bottom and are surrounded by dikes about 3 feet high. Small ditches run along the edges of the fields which cover a large total area. Each field is initially prepared using a machine about the size of a golf cart that has two rollers instead of wheels. (It looks like Fred Flintstones’s car!) The rollers are about six feet long and between 12" and 15" round and are made by hand from a single piece of wood. They have a seat and a small motor. The one I managed to get a close look at was all home made from salvaged bits and pieces. Windmills are used to power the pumps that move the salt water. The windmills each have six vanes made out of woven leaves that form a small sail. Each vane can be furled when the windmill is not in use. The pump is basically a series of small wooden buckets on a belt like configuration. Primitive but effective. We left the main highway and shortly the surrounding area changed from the flat open area where the salt farms were to an area where coconut trees came right up to the road and canals started to become quite numerous. Some canals were quite large and had houses along side and were obviously used for local transport routes. Coconut Sugar/Orchid Growing and Butterfly Farm: There was a large display of orchids, many with blossoms. All quite pretty and a photographers delight. The butterfly display consisted of a large netted enclosure with bushes, flowers etc. and a variety of pathways. There were many butterflies flying around, mostly large yellow and black ones. There was a display of cocoons that were formed from leaves. As a butterfly was about to leave the cocoon it was moved out of the storage area and hung from a branch or leaf so that people could get a good look at it emerging and to make photographing easier. Floating Market
Damnoen Saduak floating market is around 50 km south of Nakhon Pathom town. It has many locals, mostly women, in sampans loaded with fruit, vegetables etc., which they hawk through the various canals. It appears that this market is designed primarily for tourists based on the large souvenir shop and the various The souvenir shop turned out to be the best I saw in Thailand (on this trip) as far as selection was concerned, however, prices were a little high even after bartering, which is a must on everything. I inquired on the price of a couple of things that appeared interesting and when I said no the price immediately tumbled and continued to decline as I walked away. We left the floating market in our van rather than returning to the van by boat. I'm not positive but I think you leave by boat from one end of the parking lot, take a circle trip along the canals and then the bus picks you up at the other end of the lot. It may be a bit of a scam but well worth it. Samphran Elephant Ground & Zoo:
After the show they had elephant rides available for Baht20 per person (less than a dollar). We took a ride and it feels quite precarious because you sit on a flat bench seat that is mounted on the back of the elephant so you're very far off the ground and tend to sway back and forth a lot. A person would really have to hold on tight if the elephant started to run. We missed most of the crocodile show because of the crowds but what we saw consisted of several men in a large pit with a number of crocs, some of them pretty large and fairly active. I have noticed at a number of places that the Chinese and Japanese tourists never stop taking pictures and usually of themselves or their family in front of whatever is there to see. There was a young couple with an infant of less than a year old in front of us at the cultural show. The father had a video camera and spent the entire first half of the show taking a video of the kid looking around, drooling and generally doing nothing. The only part of the show that he watched was the kickboxing. Half way through the show they left because the baby was getting restless. Their video will have none of the show and if they took the rest of the trip the same way they'll probably have a dozen hours of video showing the baby and nothing of what they may have seen themselves. Pity the relatives that have to watch. The Rose Garden also had demonstrations of how a lot of the local crafts are done including the production of silk by hand and weaving it into cloth. Another good place to visit. The final stop on this tour as well as the tour we took the next day was to a government run souvenir shop that sold mostly jewelry. They gave a brief demonstration of cutting and shaping the gems and making gold jewelry and then moved us into the "show room". They had lots of jewelry for sale and reasonably good prices as well as other items, many similar to what we had seen at the various stores throughout the day. The major difference with this store was that all items were marked with fixed prices. It was interesting to see what some of the stuff was really worth and is probably where people should go first if they want to get bargains at the other places where bartering is the way of business. Grand Palace:
The other temples in this area were built at various times and their architecture and finishing each reflect different influences. There are many statues of mythical animals and demons and like the buildings they differ in style and finish. Some are gold, some stone and others finished with inlaid glass or ceramics. There are also many murals and paintings depicting the life of Buddha as well as some of the earlier Kings who were responsible for building the various temples. The artwork on most of them is outstanding. The Grand Palace was to be closed to the public in the afternoon because the King was to come to change the clothing on the Emerald Buddha. Apparently this Buddha has a summer and a winter outfit and the king is the only person who can change it. It is a very important occasion and is marked by a national holiday. Following the Palace tour we went to a government run jewelry and handicraft store (a different one from the previous day) followed by a stop at a workshop that produced and sold Thai woodcarvings. The workers were making items such as small elephants, relief carving for wall mounting, teak furniture and dining room tables where the entire top of the table was a carving (to be covered by glass). Men did the carvings by hand using chisels and mallets and women did the sanding. The show room was full of tables, fold-up bars, coffee tables and other carvings, all of which looked great and although the prices seemed a little high crating and shipping costs (to anywhere in the world) were included so I would expect you could get a good discount on anything you took off the floor. River Cruise: |